Below, you will find useful links (with brief descriptions) that primarily focus on genomics data analysis and management.
Lockdown workarounds – working from home
Managing Research Data (during lockdown period): CeR weekly 1-hour workshops – Part 1: Introduction to planning, organising and storing your research data. Part 2: Sharing, publishing and archiving your research data.
Data analysis at home: Centre for eResearch (CeR) 1-hour workshop and practical session. Ideal for those considering or starting to use Nectar Research Cloud for data analysis, this session will provide practical instruction on getting an allocation and setting up a Windows virtual machine.
Data management
Writing A Data Management Plan Workshop: A two-hour workshop run by the Centre for eResearch.
Data Carpentry: Currently the curricula includes working with ecology, genomics, or geospatial data.
Managing Research Data Workshops: A general workshop aimed at both staff and students, a doctoral skills programme (DSP) workshop open to doctoral candidates only, and bespoke or custom workshops that aim to address data management needs unique to your discipline or research group.
Introduction to High Performance Computing: New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) runs short introductory workshops on the basics of using and accessing the national High Performance Computing (HPC) platforms.
Winter Bootcamp: Winter Bootcamp workshops and seminars range from two-day intensive and hands-on Software Carpentry programmes for general audiences, through to short informational or networking sessions covering a broad range of topics related to research.
Software Carpentry: Workshops are held each year as part of Research Bazaar and Winter Bootcamp. Carpentry workshops are two to three day hands-on workshops that cover core skills needed to be productive in a small research team including: programming and program design, version control, data management, and task automation.
R Programming: Basic R programming online course.
Programming Practice: Improve your coding skills by training with others on real code challenges (multiple languages).
Statistical/bioinformatics analysis
Hacky Hour at Auckland: This Hacky Hour is a shared space and place where students and researchers can congregate to work on their research problems related to code, data, or digital tools in a social environment.
University of Cambridge Bioinformatics: Low cost training on advanced bioinformatics topics.
UoA Statistical Consulting Centre courses: Introductory and intermediate workshops in the statistical programming language R (in 2019, priced at a $300 for UoA staff and students).
Bioinformatics Practice: A platform for learning bioinformatics and programming through problem solving.
Human Participants Ethics: Ethics application workshops consist of two different types of support sessions: an overview of ethics with a focus on application content, with a short introduction to the online ethics module, or hands on computer based training for application submission.
Genomic research with Māori: An important set of guidelines to be aware of.
Workshops on indigenous genomics: SING annual workshops.