Why Genomics?
Demand for genomic analysis is rapidly expanding in both health research and clinical medicine worldwide.
Our ability to perform genomic analysis is accelerating due to rapidly falling costs and increasing capacity of genomic and bioinformatic technologies.
New Zealand as a whole is well-placed to lead academic genomic medicine due to our local genomics and bioinformatics research expertise, engaged clinicians and patient groups, electronic health records, and our unique NHI patient identifier. However, this field of research and clinical activity needs sustained collaborative effort and a concerted development of resources to achieve its potential.
The ‘Genomics Into Medicine’ initiative has five goals:
- Organise an active collaborative environment between academic hospital clinicians and University Faculties in the human genomics field.
- Establish a clinical genomics educational hub, providing input into research-led undergraduate and postgraduate clinical genomics teaching, clinician internships and tailored education programs for researchers, clinicians, genetic counsellors and the patient community.
- To generate a sustainable funding base for clinical genomics in Auckland through the provision of seed funding for pilot projects.
- Assist in the establishment of an active next generation sequencing clinical program within the Auckland Academic Health Alliance.
- Assist in the establishment of multi-disciplinary genomic meetings.
Please contact us if you want to be involved at GIM@auckland.ac.nz